Tutor Teams 2024 - 2025
If you would like to contact your child's tutor by email, please check out the following list. Please send the email in the format of firstname.surname@olympustrust.co.uk
You could also check out this page for our Senior Leadership Team.
Any enquiries, please email to pcs-enquiries@olympustrust.co.uk
Year 7
Year lead: Ms A Boyce abigail.boyce@olympustrust.co.uk
7 P Mrs B Benjamin bethan.benjamin@olympustrust.co.uk
Miss K Sterling kanesha.sterling@olympustrust.co.uk
7 A Mr F Barringer finlay.barringer@olympustrust.co.uk
7 T Mr A Forward andrew.forward@olympustrust.co.uk
7 C Ms A Cornish anna.cornish@olympustrust.co.uk
7 H Ms L Gilroy leanne.gilroy@olympustrust.co.uk
7 W Miss Rut Vina-Perez rut.vinaperez@olympustrust.co.uk
Year 8
Year lead: Ms Sarah Cousins sarah.cousins@olympustrust.co.uk
8 P Mr M Evans matthew.evans@olympustrust.co.uk
8 A Mr H Topham henry.topham@olympustrust.co.uk
8 T Miss A Todd abigail.todd@olympustrust.co.uk
8 C Mr M Kizintas matthew.kizintas@olympustrust.co.uk
8 H Mr G Cain graham.cain@olympustrust.co.uk
8W Mr A Timm andy.timm@olympustrust.co.uk
Year 9
Year lead: Mr L Plummer luke.plummer@olympustrust.co.uk
9 P Mr O Phillips owain.phillips@olympustrust.co.uk
9 A Mrs C Roberts clare.roberts@olympustrust.co.uk
9 T Ms T Fitzsimmons tess.fitzsimmons@olympustrust.co.uk
Mr M Smithers mark.smithers@olympustrust.co.uk
9 C Mr D England david.england@olympustrust.co.uk
9 H Miss H Kilburn harriet.kilburn@olympustrust.co.uk
Year 10
Year lead: Mrs A Fenlon amie.fenlon@olympustrust.co.uk
10 P Mrs S Mitchell sheree.mitchell@olympustrust.co.uk
Mrs A Allen anna.allen@olympustrust.co.uk
10 A Mr K Beasor kyle.beasor@olympustrust.co.uk
10 T Miss K Neal kennedy.neal@olympustrust.co.uk
10 C Mrs F Higginson fiona.higginson@olympustrust.co.uk
Mr J Johnson julian.johnson@olympustrust.co.uk
10 H Miss E Warren Emily.warren@olympustrust.co.uk
10 W Mr J Lynch john.lynch@olympustrust.co.uk
Year 11
Year lead: Mr G Haskins george.haskins@olympustrust.co.uk
11 P Miss J Board jessica.board@olympustrust.co.uk
11 A Mr J Watkins jason.watkins@olympustrust.co.uk
11 T Miss M Trohear maeve.trohear@olympustrust.co.uk
11 C Ms M Haines mollie.haines@olympustrust.co.uk
11 H Miss C Pilsworth charlotte.pilsworth@olympustrust.co.uk
11 W Miss J Wright jennifer.wright@olympustrust.co.uk
Head of Post 16
Mr R Lewis ross.lewis@olympustrust.co.uk