Patchway Community School

Our Team

Senior Leadership Team 


SLT photos (ID 1137)


Subject Faculty Leads

Mr Andrew Gregory - Faculty head for English 

Mr Daniel Jones - Faculty head for Mathematics 

Mr Matt Evans - Faculty head for Science

Miss Mollie Haines - Faculty head for Humanities 

Ms Gemma Mills - Faculty lead for Modern Foreign Languages 

Mrs Claire Butler - Faculty head for Creative 

Mr Andrew Forward - Faculty head for P.E. / Vocational 

Heads of Year

Ms Janie Ashburner - Associate Leader 

Y7 - Ms Abigail Boyce 

Y8 - Ms Sarah Cousins

Y9 - Mr Luke Plummer

Y10 - Mrs Amie Fenlon

Y11 - Mr George Haskins


Mrs Catherine Walbridge - Designated Safeguarding Lead 

Mr Kevin Sibley - Deputy Designated Safeguarding Lead

For more information, please view here.

Special Educational Needs 

 Mr Joseph Prevett, SENCo Lead 

 Miss Helen Stentiford, Assistant SENCo 

 For more information, please view here.


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