Work Experience
Year 10 Work Experience 5-9th February 2024
Work experience is an exciting opportunity for students to learn about the world of work before leaving school. It also provides an opportunity to develop key employability skills, such as teamwork, communication and problem solving that are highly valued in the workplace.
Year 10 work experience for most students took place in the week of 5-9 February 2024. Over 80% of students have experienced a placement at some stage this year, in a wide variety of industries including engineering, hairdressing, funeral care, retail, education, childcare, elderly care, healthcare, motor vehicle mechanics, marketing, PR and construction.
Students have been lucky to have flexibility around dates, enabling some to attend placements with employers such as the University of Bristol, The Bristol Old Vic, Bristol Zoo Project and the Army at different times of year. For the first time, 8 of our students were able to do a placement in Patchway’s twin town of Gauting in Southern Germany this June. Students worked in a hotel, a tourist office and a variety of schools. You can read the students’ own reflections on their week HERE
We have received some glowing reviews from employers about our students and the contributions they have made during the week. To see a presentation based on this year’s work experience, please click HERE.
Students who were on the school site during work experience week were able to volunteer to attend sessions with some outside providers. We were pleased to welcome Atkins Réalis, Dick Lovett (who brought an Aston Martin into school), the Royal Air Force and Shine Sports. We were also able to take a minibus full of students to Womble Bond Dickenson, a Law firm in central Bristol to learn about career paths into Law and take part in some teamwork activities.
Details of our next work experience will be published in the next academic year. If you or your company would like to offer work experience placements to Patchway students, please get in touch.