Patchway Community School


At Patchway Community School we feel it is important for students to be recognised and rewarded for the positive things they do.  There are a variety of different ways students can be rewarded starting with being praised by staff throughout their day.  Our rewards system is largely based around our school values, but also allows for students to be praised for showing hard work and excellent effort. 

Positive behaviour points

Students can receive positive points from staff, who add these to a student’s Arbor profile.  Points can be achieved for:

  • Being Kind
  • Working Hard
  • Taking Part
  • Excellent participation
  • Excellent effort
  • Excellent aspiration
  • Excellent resilience
  • Excellent respect
  • Great improvement
  • Outstanding classwork
  • Outstanding homework

The points achieved are collated each week and each term.  Students with the most points in their year group receive a certificate and a small reward. Tutor groups also receive class certificates and rewards weekly for the most points.

The Golden Ticket

Every day, teachers and staff at Patchway School can nominate students for the Golden Ticket award! This will be awarded to any student who staff feel have gone above and beyond and truly embody a Patchway Student. Students place these Golden Tickets in a post-box and receive 5 reward points. These tickets are then put into a Golden Hat and one is pulled out each week. The winner receives a voucher worth £10 and everyone who has been nominated will receive a Golden certificate.

Faculty, Year Lead and Head Teacher awards

Each fortnight, Faculties and Year Leads will nominate students for their special outstanding achievement awards. These students will receive a certificate, prize and be placed into a termly draw. On top of this, every fortnight the Head Teacher will nominate students for their Head Teacher award. These students will receive a certificate and have the opportunity to have breakfast with members of the senior leadership team.

Awards Evening

Our Awards Evening take place at the end of terms 2, 4 and 6, to celebrate those members of the school community who have worked hard, made significant improvements and contributions and who have shown particular efforts towards our school values. Parents and Carers have the opportunity to come into to school to share in this success. Students receive certificates and small trophies as a token of our pride.

Special Award events

Special Award events take place at the end of terms 1, 3 and 5. These events are open to students with 100% attendance and no negative behaviour points. Events in the past have included inflatables in the gym, films in the hall, hot chocolates and ice creams.