Home-School Agreement
The shared set of expectations below are based on the principle that all students have a right to learn and all staff have a right to support learning and in the spirit of mutual support and cooperation the expectations apply to parents/carers and are as follows:
- To always treat others fairly and with respect
- To take responsibility for supporting learning
- To look after and respect the school environment and resources
- To be on time and properly prepared for learning
- To be actively involved and proud of the Patchway Community School
- To resolve any differences of opinion in a cooperative, polite and restorative manner
In partnership with parents/carers and students, the school will endeavour to uphold the school values by ensuring that:
- The welfare and safety of every student is kept paramount in all we do and we will positively support the implementation of our Home-School Agreement and school policies
- Independent Home Learning (IHL) is regularly set, marked and monitored; and that facilities and support are provided for students to complete IHL in school
- Keep parent(s)/carer(s) well informed about school activities through regular letters, emails and newsletters
- Adults model the school values by acting as positive role models and as teachers of responsibility, respect and consideration for all
- Every student is treated with positive regard and teachers will deliver well-planned lessons that use a range of strategies to meet the needs of each learner.
- Teachers provide personalised, high quality advice and feedback on learning to help parents/carers support learning and to ensure students achieve good progress
- We contact parent/carer(s) if there are concerns regarding welfare, attendance, punctuality, uniform, or behaviour and that we celebrate with parents/carers and the wider community individual and collective successes
In partnership with the school, parents/carers will endeavour to ensure that they support the learning and wellbeing of their child(ren) by:
- Keeping absence from school to an absolute minimum to maintain a good level of school attendance (>96%)
- Positively supporting the Home-School Agreement and school policies
- Taking an active interest in the learning and well-being of their child(ren) by seeking opportunities to get involved in school life (e.g. homework/learning projects) and by encouraging their child(ren) to get involved in extra-curricular activities on offer at school and in the community.
- Regularly communicating with the school and attending relevant school events and meetings, and signing the SRB regularly
- Be actively involved in discussions regarding my/our child(ren’s) progress, regularly attend Parent Information Consultations and inform the school of any concerns that might affect my/our child(ren’s) welfare or progress
In partnership with the school and parents/carers, students will endeavour to ensure that they:
- Play an active role in their learning and development by aiming to be successful and resilient learners who apply their best in every lesson (effort 4)
- Meet the high expectations set by the school with respect to learning, uniform, conduct, behaviour and effort
- Behave in a safe and responsible manner at all times and promote respect and consideration for others in the community
- Seek every opportunity to make positive contributions to the school and wider community by getting involved constructively in school and community life (e.g. extra-curricular activities)
- Seek advice and guidance from adults in school whenever they feel unsafe, unhappy or underachieving