Black History Month
October 2021
Black History Month takes place every year in October across the world.
The month presents an opportunity for children and young people to learn more about Black history through lessons and assemblies. It is also an opportunity for schools to emphasise their dedication to supporting and uplifting Black students.
At Patchway this year students have received an assembly which told a story of how black members of the community have campaigned and fought to improve the lives of others.
Y7 and Y8 learnt about the Bristol Bus Boycott in 1963 whilst Y9 and Y10 learnt about how black members of the LGBTQ+ community have fought for fundamental rights.
stonewall black history month assemby 2021 secondary.pdf
As well as these assemblies students will be having conversations with their tutor about the importance of studying black history in school. There will also be activities shared on google classroom for students to complete if they want to find out more about the fascinating History of Black Britons.
We have a timeline competition running for the whole month and we would love students to take part!
black history month timeline.pdf