Patchway Community School

Performing Arts


The Performing Arts Department:
Drama, Music & Dance

Learning in the performing arts allows students to work in new and creative ways and share these experiences with each other.

We encourage learners to be expressive, active, and practical in all Performing Arts subjects. The department has a strong ethos of working as a team and this is supported by curriculum and extra-curricular projects that bring performing arts and other subjects, such as art, together.  In doing this, we are encouraging students to see the wider picture of the Arts and how they collaborate and interlink in the world of work and different cultures. 


Key stage 3

Students are taught drama and music as separate subjects in Key Stage 3 and have one lesson per week in years 7 and 8 and undertake modules in year 9.

Currently, students attend lessons in their tutor groups in Year 7, 8 and 9.  

The main focus of KS3 Drama and Dance is to introduce and establish basic skills, acquire knowledge surrounding history, style and genre, use Drama and Dance as a tool to better understand the world, emotions, empathy and motivation, and develop the 4 C’s: Communication, Collaboration, Creativity and Confidence.

In drama, there is an emphasis on working collaboratively and creatively to explore a range of texts or issues to enhance their understanding of drama and their command of a variety of theatrical techniques. Students learn to create characters and scripts using improvisation and a range of stimuli.

In dance, the students use genre and style to understand the basic actions of movement: travelling, gesture, elevation, falling, turning and stillness. By doing this they also gain an understanding of history and culture whilst developing choreographic skills and body awareness.

In music, students work on three key areas: listening, composing and performing. Students are encouraged to develop their skills using a variety of instruments, singing and working in pairs, groups and as individuals. Students who already play an instrument will be encouraged to make use of their skills and peripatetic lessons are available in a range of instruments (including voice).